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编辑:温州华利废品回收利用有限公司   时间:2013/06/24   字号:
GB/T 1772-1979 电子元器件失效率试验方法 Determination of failure rate of electronic elements and components
2 GB/T 2036-1994 印制电路术语 Terms for printed circuits
3 GB/T 2413-1980 压电陶瓷材料体积密度测量方法 Piezoelectric ceramic materials--Measuring methods for determination of volume density
4 GB/T 2470-1995 电子设备用固定电阻器、固定电容器型号命名方法 Type designation system for fixed resistors and fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment
5 GB/T 2471-1995 电阻器和电容器优先数系 Preferred number series for resistors and capacitors
6 GB/T 2472-1981 电子设备用固定式电容器工作电压系列 Fixed capacitors for electronic equipments--Working voltage series
7 GB/T 2473-1981 电子设备用矩形金属外壳电容器外形尺寸系列 Capacitors with rectangular metal enclosure for electronic equipments--Outline dimensions series
8 GB/T 2474-1981 电子设备用圆形金属外壳电容器外形尺寸系列 Capacitors with disc metal enclosure for electronic equipments--Outline dimensions series
9 GB/T 2658-1995 小型交流风通用机技术条件 A.C. miniature blowers, general specification for
10 GB/T 2693-1990 电子设备用固定电容器 第一部分: 总规范 (可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment-Part 1: Generic specification
11 GB/T 2775-1993 手控电子元件的轴端尺寸 Dimensions of spendle ends for manually operated electronic components
12 GB/T 3351-1982 人造石英晶体的型号命名 Designations for synthetic quartz crystals
13 GB/T 3388-1982 压电陶瓷材料型号命名方法 Designations for types of piezoelectric ceramics
14 GB/T 3389.3-1982 压电陶瓷材料性能测试方法 居里温度Tc的测试 Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics--Test for Curie temperature Tc
15 GB/T 3389.4-1982 压电陶瓷材料性能测试方法 柱体纵向长度伸缩振动模式 Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics--Longitudinal length extension vibration mode for rod
16 GB/T 3389.7-1986 压电陶瓷材料性能测试方法 强场介电性能的测试 Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics--Test for dielectric properties in high electric field
17 GB/T 3389.8-1986 压电陶瓷材料性能测试方法 热释电系数的测试 Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics--Test for the pyroelectric coefficient
18 GB/T 3664-1986 电容器非线性测量方法 Method of measurement of non-linearity in capacitors
19 GB/T 3788-1995 真空电容器通用技术条件 General specification for vacuum capacitors
20 GB/T 4071-1983 光致荧光粉测试方法 Measuring method for the phosphor excited by light
21 GB/T 4072-1983 阴极射线致荧光粉测试方法 Measuring method of the phosphor excited by cathode rays
22 GB/T 4098.1-1983 射频电缆电晕试验方法 Test method of corona for radio-frequency cables
23 GB/T 4098.2-1983 射频电缆电容和电容不平衡测量方法 Methods of measurement of capacitance and capacitance unbalance for radio-frequency cables
24 GB/T 4098.3-1983 射频电缆特性阻抗测量方法 Methods of measurement of characteristic impedance for radio-frequency cables
25 GB/T 4098.4-1983 射频电缆衰减常数测量方法 Methods of measurement of attenuation constant for radio-frequency cables
26 GB/T 4098.5-1983 射频电缆电容稳定性试验方法 Test method of capacitance stability for radio-frequency cables
27 GB/T 4098.6-1983 射频电缆衰减稳定性试验方法 Test method of attenuation stability for radio-frequency cables
28 GB/T 4098.7-1983 射频电缆高温试验方法 Test method of high-temperature for radio-frequency cables
29 GB/T 4098.8-1983 射频电缆低温试验方法 Test method of low-temperature for radio-frequency cables
30 GB/T 4098.9-1983 射频电缆流动性试验方法 Test method of flow for radio-frequency cables
31 GB/T 4098.10-1983 射频电缆尺寸稳定性试验方法 Test method of dimensional stability for radio-frequency cables
32 GB/T 4165-1984 电子设备用可变电容器的使用导则 Guide to the use of variable capacitors in electronic equipment
33 GB/T 4166-1984 电子设备用可变电容器的试验方法 Methods of test of variable capacitors in electronic equipment
34 GB/T 4210-1984 电子设备用机电元件名词术语 Terms of electromechanical components for electronic equipment
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